sâmbătă, februarie 03, 2007

What makes your skank head tick?

Bet ya' posing hard
So secure a smacked up cuntie bitch
Now you're stuck for words
Scrambling for sarcastical wit
But I got that special knowledge
Of the crap that makes your skank head tick
All that brave you like
All that shirty pretense
You deny, yourself, deny

Get off, get off me!


Blogger Unknown said...

skunk anansiiiiee :X

1:04 a.m.  
Blogger utopic said...

credeam ca am descoperit ceva maret, grandios chiar, insa acum constat cu amaraciune ca ai un link catre blog pe pagina de lastfm

r.i.p. skunk, ca sa nu zica lumea ca sunt off topic, si ca sa nu comentez ca vita la un post oarecare

1:17 p.m.  
Blogger Woland said...

hehe. si tu la fel :P

10:18 p.m.  

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